Due to global warming the coral reefs are dying, thus barracuda don't have enough food and have turned cannibalistic. Eating barracuda can result in rare or unknown diseases which effect the stomach, upper GI tract, blood, and even your gums. True story.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Don't eat barracudas
Posted by
6:21 PM
Cluster Headaches
Ught, I now have cluster headaches... and it sucks bad.
I use cold water on my face to get rid of them. The sprayer in the kitchen sink works great for me - but I gather everyone is different. Sometimes I have to take a cold shower. A lot of people say that cold water makes it worse for them. Hot water works great for migraines and you can have both a migraine and a cluster at the same time. If you try cold water, only spray your face, forehead and temples. Don't get cold water anywhere else, that's the secret for me.
Drinking lots of water seems to help many people. I've been doing this, but I get so many headaches per day that I really don't think it's helping. It might even be making it worse. I found out drinking water has chlorine in it, and I think I'm allergic to chlorine and bleach. Not sure at this point.
A lot of people say that caffeine helps. I haven't tried this yet, as I usually smoke a cigarette with my coffee, but now I'm pretty sure cigarettes are very very bad for cluster headaches and I've quit smoking. I haven't drank coffee since I quit. Some people claim Redbull works wonders... haven't tried this yet either.
Check out the web site below for more information:
Cluster Headaches
Don't even mention worker's comp. and cluster headache in the same sentence, I found out the hard way. If you get a bad headache from something at work, demand to know the assigned clinic or doctor and go immediately. Don't take any bullshit and don't wait a week thinking it's an allergy or something)
Update: Nov. 2, 2007
Turns out that coffee helps a ton, at least it helps me.
Cigarette smoking seems to be the worst possible thing for Cluster Headaches, at least for me.
I had quit smoking for four days and still had headaches. I quit drinking alcohol and coffee for seven days over-lapping this period and still had headaches - lots of them. But I quit smoking again yesterday, and this morning I had one cup of coffee with sugar and no headaches all day so far - it's 2 p.m. now. Seven hours with no headache, this is the longest I have gone since my chemical inhalation accident on 10/23/07.
Posted by
11:13 AM
Felons in America can't vote, they can't leave the country, they can't get a decent job and they need permission to leave the state if they are on probation or parole. They can't drink alcohol, even though drinking alcohol is not against the law.
Now... they get to risk their lives for $1/hour fighting fires in California. What happened to the minimum wage, and isn't that a federal law? (Click on "Slavery" above then scroll down to: Convicts Help Battle Blazes)
I expect the BOP will say that prisoners, happy to leave the confinement of incarceration, waive the right to the minimum wage, but I'm also willing to bet they are never asked to waive this right.
11% of the nation is behind bars, on probation or parole, and (I'm guessing), 30% have felonies on their record - thanks to the war on drugs.
Freedom my ass. With liberty and justice for all! Welcome to Russia, sheep.
One man can save us... Ron Paul for Pres. 2008
Posted by
7:53 AM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Amy Winehouse
I love the sound of Amy Winehouse, but she's turned into such a loser...
The old Winehouse
She was insanely hot! So talented...
One of my favorites -
These are good too, except for where they tried to bleep the good words and missed on the second song.
Amy Winehouse Tears Dry on Their Own & Me & Mrs Jones:
Two songs
I hope she pulls it together, she could be one of the greatest singers of all time.
Posted by
2:44 PM
Stevie Nicks Rhiannon
Some bonehead removed the infamous 1977 performance of Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac from youtube.com, so ...
Here is a working link:
I was thinking last night that the difference between the current music industry and the older stuff is that, for instance, Fleetwood Mac didn't have makeup artists, hairdressers, coreographers, wardrobe experts, etc. etc. They didn't synthesize sounds or music, it was all hand crafted.
When Stevie hit the stage, she was all real man... she had that same hair all day long. It was real. Like when music sounds better with those small imperfections created by the human component. It's the same thing, it wasn't perfect, but it was Fleetwood Mac and it rocked!!!
Stevie Nicks, the undisputed queen of rock-n-roll.
Posted by
2:29 PM
Bleach and Cigarettes
So I've had these cluster headaches lately... just got a new job, and I had to go home my second day from this intense headache, watery eyes, and runny nose, followed by impaired hearing, difficulty breathing, and then a sore throat - all at the same time.
[edit]The first headache was probably not a cluster headache since there was only one. I didn't have any headaches for the next 2 weeks. I wasn't around bleach for these two weeks either, that I noticed. Then I was exposed to Rydlyme and bleach, after which, I had non-stop cluster headaches for 11 days total. This first headache was caused, I think, by just a whiff of bleach. I don't know if anybody else even smelled it. I was standing outside near some water cooling towers. They use bleach to keep them free of organics. I smoked half a cigarette and the headache came on within 60 seconds - it was insanely painful. [/edit]
I believe the effect was intensified by having drank lots of coffee that morning, and possibly by an allergic reaction to something (probably bleach). It felt like an allergic reaction at the time.
After two weeks I was exposed to a LOT of bleach and Rydlyme. The next headache came on instantly - as I was pouring the bleach into a box so that I could use the power sprayer with the Rydlyme first. This headache lasted 20 minutes after I took some aspirin and walked around. After work that day, I had a headache that lasted 6 hours and it was so painful - I wanted to kill myself.
I spoke with a forensic laboratory dude who suggested I create a blog to see if any others have had this problem.
So... even a short breath of bleach and a cigarette produced a 20 minute headache. Being enclosed in a cooling tower while spraying it with Rydlyme and bleach resulted in headaches every day for eleven days, and included up to nine in one day. Every other night I had headaches every 1.5 hours all night long.
Someone told me I might be hypersensitive to bleach... whatever that means.
Anybody have any comments?
For me, aspirin, advil/ibuprofen are useless. What does work is to spray my face with cool water until the pain goes away. If within 10 minutes it doesn't, then I jump in the shower and breath heavily through the cold water while it splashes on my forehead and sinus area. I have recently tamed even the worst headache (I haven't had a really bad one for five or six days), but if I lay down afterwards, I get another one in an hour to an hour and a half.
Posted by
1:44 PM