Saturday, December 29, 2007

OMG, China & Saudia Arabia are switching to the Euro

It's really happening. On December 27th, the Chinese Yuan rose .37 against the dollar, the largest one day rise in history. The Euro is speeding away from the Dollar as the dollar continues to fall at an alarming rate, and the Euro continues to rise at an alarming rate. I'm talking about the world switching to the Euro. I'm talking about oil, and I'm talking, or at least speculating, on World War III.

It's all about trade. If you want to trade with foreign nations, it's good policy to have the currency on hand with which that nation uses most commonly - or better yet, barter with goods and/or services. If you trade goods or services for the Euro, you are creating jobs and have Euros on hand with which to buy products from nations also trading in Euros. If you trade your own currency for Euros, your trading work already done for cash with which to spend in nations trading mainly in Euros. When nations start spending large amounts of Euros for goods/services, it's fairly easy to deduce that those nations have in fact been trading in Euros in order to have the supply on hand of that currency - or they are trading goods/services for Euros because they plan to spend those Euros, or to save them if they are appreciating.

Trading goods/services for dollars, and then purchasing goods/services from nations trading mainly in Euros, is obviously not a good idea if the dollar is depreciating and the Euro is appreciating.

An older story about China/Iran and big Oil and Gas deals - several more have been made since.

China, France sign 8b-euro nuclear energy deal

Sarkozy wins China 20bn euro deal

Googling "Saudi Arabia Euro" returns lots of recent big dollar contracts with European nations for all kinds of services.

Fears of dollar collapse as Saudis take fright

When Saudi Arabia, our largest ally in the Middle East, decides to buy 72 fighter jets from Britain, it's time to get nervous.

Saudi Arabia to buy Euro-fighter jets worth nine billion dollars This has been confirmed.

Here is a two year graph of the Yuan vs Dollar:
Yuan vs Dollar, 2 years.

Two year graph of Euro vs Dollar:
Euro vs. Dollar

These large Euro deals (and many other indicators), mean that China and Saudi Arabia have already started converting to the Euro and are well on their way. Searching for "China Euro", or "Saudi Arabia Euro" results in lots and lots of recent contracts - some of them are very, very large.

For some reason, unknown to me, many deals were reached or confirmed on Nov. 26th, or Nov. 27th of 2007. Too many deals, it seems, to be a coincidence. I have no idea what this implies, but many multi-million or multi-billion EURO deals were made or confirmed on these two days - as reported in the news around the globe.

Iran converted to the Euro in Feb. 2007, based on what I can find on the web. OPEC has not yet converted, but Saudi Arabia is the dollars' largest supporter within OPEC. Other nations involved in OPEC have recently expressed an interest to investigate switching to the Euro. We all know Iran, Syria and Venezuela are dead set against the USA.

** The point of OPEC trading in euros vs dollars becomes poignant if you paid attention to the paragraphs above regarding trading. If your planning to purchase American goods, trading in dollars makes sense and is convenient, and if the dollar appreciates or if you trade/purchase a lot of American goods, it becomes financially sound. If OPEC decides to accept only Euros in exchange for oil, it means they are more confident in the Euro, and/or they intend to purchase more goods/services from European Union nations. **

America owes China a lot of money. If the dollar shrinks, and the yuan rises... we owe them even more money - and/or China can purchase more products from America with the same amount, or even a lesser amount, of Yuan.

So many other indicators are out there, but how can anyone mis-interpret this data? I mean China's military budget has increased in double digits for ten years now. They shot an orbiting satellite out of the sky in front of the whole world. China is now the world's largest producer of greenhouse gases. Their infrastructure is growing exponentially. They are now the number one purchaser of automobiles in the world. The oil fields in Darfur - Russian alliance hints... large investments in Iran. Search these facts, and you can see for yourself. How many times in 2007 did America buy tainted or poisoned products from China? China is saying "We own you, fools." There is much, much more...

Here is a good summary of what is happening:
7 of the Most Important Economic Events of the Last 7 Years: The Buildup to World War III

I've actually been studying this issue for about a year and a half seriously, and the seven events listed in the article listed above are all true and correct.

We won't even make it to peak oil terminal decline. The war is no longer about oil, it's an economic war, and we've already lost. As the world's oil supply runs out, and oil becomes more expensive, America will lose 60% of it's purchasing power simply due to the disparity between the Euro and the dollar. America also loses the interest on the dollars in store, which are currently used to purchase oil. It's bad... really bad.

Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates are currently considering switching to the Euro. Maybe you've heard about the United Arab Emirates? They have the tallest building in the world, a man made sea... an indoor ski resort, and money, lots and lots of money.

But it gets worse - we owe China all this money, and interest on top. Meanwhile the Yuan is skyrocketing, the dollar is shrinking, and our government has tapped our reserves, even our retirement fund - social security.

China has been selling roughly 1 billion in bonds to Americans per year in recent times, and they are purchasing shares in our financial institutions (Lots of recent articles about China dumping bonds, and buying into American financial institutions on the web). So now, they can pay us 3.5% dividends while charging us 5% interest, and also collect the 10% difference in currency exchange rates on a monthly basis. This is on top of the 200% markup they make from selling us products, which our corporations markup another 500% before we give China more money.

China buys 5 bn stake in American company that lost 3.5 bn in 4th qtr

Corporate America, in it's lust for greed turned to China to purchase products as inexpensively as humanly possible in order to achieve the highest profit margins possible. Corporate America has funded China, in order to sell us crap so that they can make more money. How many of you cringe when you see "Made in China" on the label? Disposable goods. In recent years, it's impossible to tell the products come from China - due to "Distributors".

Corporate America, with the help of our government, moved our manufacturing jobs to other countries in order to increase profits. Also many of our service and support jobs. They are taking a large dump on the very people who built and supported their companies.

That's how it all started... in my opinion. Keep in mind I'm no economist. I've never studied Economics, except for Business 101 and Marketing 101. I've just been watching the news around the world very closely for some time now, and it's all bad news.

I'm pretty much a noob, I'm just publishing my thoughts and opinions... I could be wrong. Haha - let's hope I'm wrong.

Now... knowing what you now know or at least suspect, take a look at this:

One of the main reasons behind the collapse of the US Dollar: Why the US wants to attack Iran

Keep in mind, I've been involved with collection agencies in the USA for 20 years, and have developed three collection agency management packages, three skip tracing packages, and two service processing packages. I know something about bankruptcy and debt collection. We are now sheep, offered to the highest bidder, without recourse or reprise, and there seems to be no intelligent response to this gesture.

China signs $2bn Iran oil deal

Thursday, December 20, 2007


I have an on-going workmans' compensation issue, disregard this if your not familiar or have no interest in the story.

I've interviewed with an agent from OSHA, a federal agency in charge of assuring workers' compensation, and she was extremely cool. I was surprised that OSHA took an interest and is willing to help, or at least seem helpful. Deeply surprised.

Friday, December 7, 2007

McDonalds $1 Menu

Bravo McDonalds, your the only fast food chain to realize that the $1 meal means something... your marketing hoard has finally figured out the world. Give something back to the community, and people will love you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cluster Headaches

Cold water on your face. If your eye hurts, it's too warm... if your eye hurts... it's too cold. A sprayer in the sink works perfectly. I start with cold water, and when you feel the need to pee, it's the perfect temperature. If you start with cold water and it results in a Brrrr feeling, the water is too cold. Luke warm water sometimes works.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

China could end the war in Iraq!

You read the title correctly, the answer to bringing our troops home lies within China.

Perhaps if we all emailed China and asked them to switch to the Euro, our troops could come home, and we could end this war immediately.

7 Countries Considering Abandoning the US Dollar

China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales

Sinking Currency, Sinking Country This article has since been removed from the net, so has a few other articles about the decline of the U.S. Dollar.

ICBC report predicts possible accelerated appreciation of yuan

It's all coming down to it anyway... if the Democrats won't help us, maybe China will.

I'm hoping Ron Paul will save our country, if we make it that long.

Ron Paul for President

Sunday, November 4, 2007


This is madness... Vote Ron Paul in 2008 or we're doomed.

$1 = .93 Canadian

Yes, you read it correctly, the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the U.S. Dollar.

My grandfather told me this country was going to hell in a hand-basket when I was twelve... OMG GRANDPA, YOU WERE RIGHT!

We'll have to buy our hand-baskets with Canadian money now... they'll come with a tag that says "Made in China".

Really good article on the failing U.S. currency:
Sinking Currency, Sinking Country Bleh, this article has mysteriously vanished from the net. Who would do such a thing?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Cluster Headaches Bleach & Rydlyme

After ten days of sheer hell, I have finally narrowed down my cause of Cluster Headaches (Among other problems like throat pain, sinus pain, watery eyes, blurred vision, weakness, sore facial skin, neck tightness and pain, shoulder tightness, snapping & cracking joints, neck and back, runny nose, wheeziness, difficulty breathing, nausea & various other aches and pains that come and go throughout the day, everyday and usually all night long.)

Spraying a large cooling tower with Rydlyme inside and out, and then spraying it with Bleach inside and out without wearing a respirator is most likely what created this heinous problem for me. No thanks to the HealthOne clinic who said it was bullshit, no thanks to Peliton HR/Safety Consulting who said it was bullshit, no thanks to my previous employer, TRS Inc. of Denver, who fired me for this, and no thanks to North Suburban Medical Center E.R. who said chlorine poisoning doesn't cause headaches and diagnosed me with "Headache". Of course they will probably charge me over $1,500 for the ambulance ride from the HealthOne clinic and for the MRI - all for this pathetic diagnosis. All of the above told me my workers' compensation claim would be denied before I even saw a doctor.

A special thanks for the training class on respirators and air safety, the day after the inhalation. And thanks for printing out my weblog on how to deal with cluster headaches and acting as if that was some kind of evidence against me. LoL. Finally, thanks to the guy that said "You don't need a respirator for this shit.", before I started spraying.

OSHA: Determination of work-relatedness

But here's the scoop:

Chlorine (Sodium hypochlorite) Bleach
Many household cleaners contain chlorine bleach. Chlorine bleach, or sodium hypochlorite, is a lung and eye irritant. If mixed with ammonia or acid-based cleaners (including vinegar), chlorine bleach releases toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to this gas may cause mild asthmatic symptoms or more serious respiratory problems. (Source: Washington Toxics Coalition)

Rydlyme - hydrogen chloride, combined with water makes hydrochloric acid. (See poison control center two paragraphs down).
Rydlyme MSDS
Rydlyme Specs - See #8, mixing with chlorine Hydrogen Chloride
Because of its acidic nature, hydrogen chloride is a corrosive gas, particularly in the presence of any moisture.

Hydrogen chloride forms corrosive hydrochloric acid on contact with water found in body tissue. Inhalation of the fumes can cause coughing, choking, inflammation of the nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract, and in severe cases, pulmonary edema, circulatory system failure, and death. Skin contact can cause redness, pain, and severe skin burns. Hydrogen chloride may cause severe burns to the eye and permanent eye damage.
What Rydlyme is made from

Denver Poison control center:
Rydlyme + Bleach = chlorine gas (Case #1824986)
If someone has ingested or been exposed to a potentially toxic substance, the Poison Control Center provides a 24 hours/day service to help. They can help direct you in how to best handle the situation. They can be reached by phone at: (303) 739-1123

Agency for Toxic substances and disease registry:
Exposure to low levels of chlorine can result in nose, throat, and
eye irritation. At higher levels, breathing chlorine gas may result
in changes in breathing rate and coughing, and damage to the

In general, people who suffer from respiratory conditions
such as allergies or hay fever, or who are heavy smokers, tend to experience more severe effects than healthy subjects or nonsmokers. (*I smoke and have hay fever, I'm also allergic to Alfalfa and Clover*)
Chlorine Poisoning Chlorine
Pathophysiology: Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas that is heavier than air in its pure form. It is an oxidizing agent that is highly reactive with water and liberates hypochlorous acid, hydrochloric acid, and oxygen-free radicals, which are toxic to tissues. Chlorine is considered to have intermediate solubility and can exert irritant effects throughout the respiratory tract. The most common site of injury is at the mucous membrane, where water concentrations are highest. The specific sites of chlorine's effects include the eye conjunctiva, nasal mucosa, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
Lung Damaging Agents, Chlorine

Toxicity, Chlorine Gas
* Cough (52-80%)
* Shortness of breath (20-51%)
* Chest pain (33%)
* Burning sensation in the throat and substernal area (14%)
* Nausea or vomiting (8%)
* Ocular and nasal irritation (4-6%)
* Choking
* Muscle weakness
* Dizziness
* Abdominal discomfort
* Headache

* Decreased breath sounds
* Tachypnea
* Tachycardia
* Wheezing
* Nasal flaring
* Intercostal and subcostal retractions
* Cyanosis
* Rhinorrhea
* Lacrimation
* Hoarseness of the voice or stridor
* Rales (acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]/noncardiogenic pulmonary edema)
* Crepitus (associated with pneumomediastinum)

* Chlorine gas is one of the most common single, irritant, inhalation exposures, occupationally and environmentally. Possible sources of exposure are as follows:
o Industrial bleaching operations
o Sewage treatment
o Household accidents involving the inappropriate mixing of hypochlorite cleaning solutions with acidic agents
o Transportation releases
o Swimming pool chlorination tablet accidents
o Storage tank failure
o Chemical warfare

* Adverse effects of inappropriate mixtures of household cleaners usually are caused by prolonged exposure to an irritant gas in a poorly ventilated area. The most common mixtures of cleaning agents are sodium hypochlorite (bleach) with acids or ammonia. Potential irritants released from such mixtures are chlorine gas, chloramines, and ammonia gas.

The absolute worst part of this whole thing was that virtually everyone, from the beginning, tried to convince me this was a coincidence - that after 30 years of working without a single cluster headache, I mysteriously acquired this ailment the night after I was exposed to Rydlyme and bleach and this exposure had nothing to do with my headaches.

Equally as bad, the cooling tower was at Pres. St. Lukes Hospital in Denver, part of the HealthOne Hospitals network - which includes the HealthOne clinic that said this was bullshit and then called an ambulance as I had an episode in their front lobby.

The HealthOne network used to be IMA Hospitals, I was an Information Systems Director for them twice - at Mountain Medical Affiliates from 1988-89, and at The Healthcare Initiative from 1991-92. Swedish and Rose Hospitals also owned The Healthcare Initiative, but were not part of IMA back then. I was also a consultant for MMA from 1992-93. I connected Swedish Hospital to the Internet in 1993 and I worked in Rose Hospital in 1987-1988 at the Denver Arthritis Clinic.

I still haven't seen a worker's comp. doctor. I have to release my medical records to Peliton first, the same company that told me this was bullshit when I called to get the workers' comp. doctor location. Then they called the clinic and told them to deny the claim before I arrived. The same company that is responsible for Safety Training at TRS, Inc. and provides them with insurance and risk management. Coincidence, conflict of interest?


How is it even possible that a company providing liability insurance, risk management, and safety consulting can also provide workers' compensation insurance?

This is a clear cut conflict of interest - Peliton is responsible for the safety rating of TRS, of course they don't want me to see a doctor! *Note*, Peliton isn't the carrier of the workers' compensation insurance, they are an intermediary - Pinnacol provides the actual insurance - Peliton has put themselves in a position to control who can get to a doctor for the sake of safety ratings and risk management.

If I sound angry, it's because I am very, very angry. I worked 10-12 hours a day before I started my job at TRS... and now I can't work at all, and despite the fact that TRS has workers' compensation insurance, they have manipulated the system so that I can't access it - to protect their safety rating.

TRS, Inc.

Famous Quote: (Doctor at HealthOne's workers' compensation clinic, Westminster CO)
"Are you the guy with the headaches?, No way this will be covered under workers' compensation... I'm familiar with Rydlyme and bleach and neither one could cause anything like this. If I see you, I'll deny your claim." Twenty seconds later... "Call an ambulance..."

*Disclaimer* I may be allergic or hypersensitive to bleach and/or chlorine. I have not been able to conclusively prove that bleach or chlorine are responsible for my residual cluster headaches. On two other occasions, while working for TRS, the smell of bleach caused a headache. What I do know is that I have never had cluster headaches before and that I have not been able to see a doctor for workers' compensation.

What I need is some kind of study or proof or evidence that chlorine poisoning can lead to cluster headaches, or hypersensitivity to bleach can lead to cluster headaches after a massive exposure. Anybody willing to help? Links? Studies? Research?

See also:
Dealing with Cluster Headaches.
My plea for help.
Chemical Hypersensitivity / Bleach Hypersensitivity
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Monday, October 29, 2007

Don't eat barracudas

Due to global warming the coral reefs are dying, thus barracuda don't have enough food and have turned cannibalistic. Eating barracuda can result in rare or unknown diseases which effect the stomach, upper GI tract, blood, and even your gums. True story.

Oh bleh

I wish it was 1980.

Cluster Headaches

Ught, I now have cluster headaches... and it sucks bad.

I use cold water on my face to get rid of them. The sprayer in the kitchen sink works great for me - but I gather everyone is different. Sometimes I have to take a cold shower. A lot of people say that cold water makes it worse for them. Hot water works great for migraines and you can have both a migraine and a cluster at the same time. If you try cold water, only spray your face, forehead and temples. Don't get cold water anywhere else, that's the secret for me.

Drinking lots of water seems to help many people. I've been doing this, but I get so many headaches per day that I really don't think it's helping. It might even be making it worse. I found out drinking water has chlorine in it, and I think I'm allergic to chlorine and bleach. Not sure at this point.

A lot of people say that caffeine helps. I haven't tried this yet, as I usually smoke a cigarette with my coffee, but now I'm pretty sure cigarettes are very very bad for cluster headaches and I've quit smoking. I haven't drank coffee since I quit. Some people claim Redbull works wonders... haven't tried this yet either.

Check out the web site below for more information:
Cluster Headaches

Don't even mention worker's comp. and cluster headache in the same sentence, I found out the hard way. If you get a bad headache from something at work, demand to know the assigned clinic or doctor and go immediately. Don't take any bullshit and don't wait a week thinking it's an allergy or something)

Update: Nov. 2, 2007
Turns out that coffee helps a ton, at least it helps me.

Cigarette smoking seems to be the worst possible thing for Cluster Headaches, at least for me.

I had quit smoking for four days and still had headaches. I quit drinking alcohol and coffee for seven days over-lapping this period and still had headaches - lots of them. But I quit smoking again yesterday, and this morning I had one cup of coffee with sugar and no headaches all day so far - it's 2 p.m. now. Seven hours with no headache, this is the longest I have gone since my chemical inhalation accident on 10/23/07.


Felons in America can't vote, they can't leave the country, they can't get a decent job and they need permission to leave the state if they are on probation or parole. They can't drink alcohol, even though drinking alcohol is not against the law.

Now... they get to risk their lives for $1/hour fighting fires in California. What happened to the minimum wage, and isn't that a federal law? (Click on "Slavery" above then scroll down to: Convicts Help Battle Blazes)

I expect the BOP will say that prisoners, happy to leave the confinement of incarceration, waive the right to the minimum wage, but I'm also willing to bet they are never asked to waive this right.

11% of the nation is behind bars, on probation or parole, and (I'm guessing), 30% have felonies on their record - thanks to the war on drugs.

Freedom my ass. With liberty and justice for all! Welcome to Russia, sheep.

One man can save us... Ron Paul for Pres. 2008

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Amy Winehouse

I love the sound of Amy Winehouse, but she's turned into such a loser...

The old Winehouse

She was insanely hot! So talented...

One of my favorites -

These are good too, except for where they tried to bleep the good words and missed on the second song.

Amy Winehouse Tears Dry on Their Own & Me & Mrs Jones:
Two songs

I hope she pulls it together, she could be one of the greatest singers of all time.

Stevie Nicks Rhiannon

Some bonehead removed the infamous 1977 performance of Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac from, so ...

Here is a working link:

I was thinking last night that the difference between the current music industry and the older stuff is that, for instance, Fleetwood Mac didn't have makeup artists, hairdressers, coreographers, wardrobe experts, etc. etc. They didn't synthesize sounds or music, it was all hand crafted.

When Stevie hit the stage, she was all real man... she had that same hair all day long. It was real. Like when music sounds better with those small imperfections created by the human component. It's the same thing, it wasn't perfect, but it was Fleetwood Mac and it rocked!!!

Stevie Nicks, the undisputed queen of rock-n-roll.

Bleach and Cigarettes

So I've had these cluster headaches lately... just got a new job, and I had to go home my second day from this intense headache, watery eyes, and runny nose, followed by impaired hearing, difficulty breathing, and then a sore throat - all at the same time.

[edit]The first headache was probably not a cluster headache since there was only one. I didn't have any headaches for the next 2 weeks. I wasn't around bleach for these two weeks either, that I noticed. Then I was exposed to Rydlyme and bleach, after which, I had non-stop cluster headaches for 11 days total. This first headache was caused, I think, by just a whiff of bleach. I don't know if anybody else even smelled it. I was standing outside near some water cooling towers. They use bleach to keep them free of organics. I smoked half a cigarette and the headache came on within 60 seconds - it was insanely painful. [/edit]

I believe the effect was intensified by having drank lots of coffee that morning, and possibly by an allergic reaction to something (probably bleach). It felt like an allergic reaction at the time.

After two weeks I was exposed to a LOT of bleach and Rydlyme. The next headache came on instantly - as I was pouring the bleach into a box so that I could use the power sprayer with the Rydlyme first. This headache lasted 20 minutes after I took some aspirin and walked around. After work that day, I had a headache that lasted 6 hours and it was so painful - I wanted to kill myself.

I spoke with a forensic laboratory dude who suggested I create a blog to see if any others have had this problem.

So... even a short breath of bleach and a cigarette produced a 20 minute headache. Being enclosed in a cooling tower while spraying it with Rydlyme and bleach resulted in headaches every day for eleven days, and included up to nine in one day. Every other night I had headaches every 1.5 hours all night long.

Someone told me I might be hypersensitive to bleach... whatever that means.

Anybody have any comments?

For me, aspirin, advil/ibuprofen are useless. What does work is to spray my face with cool water until the pain goes away. If within 10 minutes it doesn't, then I jump in the shower and breath heavily through the cold water while it splashes on my forehead and sinus area. I have recently tamed even the worst headache (I haven't had a really bad one for five or six days), but if I lay down afterwards, I get another one in an hour to an hour and a half.