Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Resource Wars

(Believe it or not, this list of web sites is over 2 years old... I'm going through and testing each link right now - however, the intent and outcomes have not been altered.)

Well, here it is... come get some. My chronological list of events leading up to the Resource Wars and also some newer stories of interest:

The end of suburbia in the USA. - New

I think everyone needs to check out this new documentary called "A crude awakening: the oil crash". It's been out for awhile - 2 years.

As sort of a preview you can go to:
Mathew David Savinar, atty and founder is one of the main characters in the documentary.

A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash

iraq war video slideshow http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17722026

Also, very important to the resource wars are the Canadian oil sands. VBS did an excellent small documentary about Alberta's oil sands about a year and a half ago. At that time, Alberta was pumping out 1 million barrels a day - now it's approximately 5 million barrels per day, but at a high cost.

National Guard enacted:

Military blood drive leaves hospitals short

Pelosi in Syria:

This is the story about Pelosi and another congressman bumping into 2
republican congressmen and a senator yesterday in Syria.

Republicans in Syria:

EU in Syria:


iraqs new oil law: very good

basra oil strike: (Southern oil fields in Iraq) Haha, witness the current fighting in Basra?

legislature to stop bush from attacking iran http://www.netscape.com/viewstory/2007/01/19/us-congressmen-seek-iran-block/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2F2%2Fhi%2Famericas%2F6277275.stm&frame=true

venezuela snubs bush

venezuela nuclear power

saudi arabia snubs america

BBC's War for Oil documentary that aired about 4 years ago...

Bush's private mercenary army called Blackwater. Actually filmed in
Iraq. You really need to see this.

Homeland Security's Civilian Concentration camps: Several bloggers
around the country have discovered these being built, as well as these
huge mine like tunnels into the earth, currently being dug by the
government. I have another site which actually shows the payment to KBP
of California to build the camps.

china destroys satelite:

Here is a story about China dumping massive amounts of bonds on the
Internation market. They have dumped 400 billion so far in total.

China has increased millitary spending in the double digits every year
for 10 years.

China - #1 Fastest growing market for cars in the world. (3 years old)

China and Syria
china selling missiles to syria, pakistand in 1991

Russian nuclear scientists - Taliban misses 1, 3 missing

Irans nuclear reactor built by Russia, fuel from Russia, Russia snubs USA

Troops in Iraq / coalition of the willing: 155,000 US troops in Iraq

Axis of evil:
Bush's "axis of evil" includes Iran, Iraq, and North Korea (darker red).
"Beyond the Axis of Evil" includes Cuba, Libya, and Syria (orange).

April 2006, Israel's UN Ambassador, Dan Gillerman, cautioned of a new axis of terror — Iran, Syria and the Hamas-run Palestinian government

benjamin netanyahu (Glenn Beck interviews) Begs for attacks on Iran.

Bush secured the oil fields in northern Iraq in the first month of the war. When we captured Saddam Hussein, the deals for oil to Russia and Ireland went south. Later Bush demanded new law be put in place to determine who gets Iraq oil, which leaves out Russia, Ireland and China. The law has passed and is in place. This is why China is now in Somalia where 4,000,000 people have died... so that China can control the oil fields. This is also why Russia is helping Syria, North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela develop nuclear technologies.

Most of the world is just now realizing what the hell is actually going on. Most of the world still does not realize how little oil is left - they don't know Venezuela, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait lied about how much oil they have in reserves, and the oil is way past half gone.

If Venezuela stops selling the USA oil, gas prices go up $1.00/gallon over-night. If Saudi Arabia stops selling us oil, our economy crashes.

The United States was the #1 producer of oil in the world for nearly 100 years. Our oil production peaked in 1970... given our growth, how much oil is actually left? So, if we were the #1 producer of oil for 100 years... and our oil is way past half gone, this tells us why the US Government is so desperate for oil, why we attacked Iraq, why we're making friends with Syria, Venezuela, and why we are trying to maintain our alliance with Saudi Arabia, and why we were in Somalia... Oil. The problem is that Venezuela and Saudi Arabia hate Bush.

The USA gets 67% of it's oil from foreigners. About 2 million barrels per day from Venezuela, 4 million per day from Saudi Arabia. 2 million comes from Iraq. We use 12 million barrels per day, which is about 10 billion barrels in a little over a year. The USA is still producing 4 million barrels per day, but nearing terminal decline, if it hasn't already happened.

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